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Personal Links filters the content of the person you are looking at to their personal websites, Personal Articles, Youtube channels, Facebook Links, or other social networks.

Interests filters the content of the person you are looking at to only their Interests (Key Words).

Likes filters the content of the person you are looking at to to only things that they "Liked".

Favorites filters the content of the person you are looking at to only show content of the people they are following.

Private Posts filters the content of the person you are looking at to only show Private Posts.

Bought filters the content of the person you are looking at to only show Products, Services, Requests and Events that the person purchased.

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Free filters the content of the person you are looking at to only show Products, Services, Requests and Events that are listed as "Free".

Charity filters the content of the person you are looking at to only show Products, Services, Requests and Events that are designated for the proceeds to go to Charity.

Any Day shows all Events regardless of day.

Normally only Events happening today, or what ever day you select on the calendar, show up in your feed.

This allows you to look at all Events, regardless of day.

Unique Events shows ONLY Events that are not marked as reoccurring.

Many users like yoga or martial art classes have reoccurring content, while other Events are Unique.

Dr. JoanE is a Speaker and US best selling Author.

The FREE to use first truly Ethical Social Network, that shares 50% of all of its revenue back with its users.

Calendar allows you to select the day to look for Events.

It also allows you to go back in time to previous posts done on a specific date.

* You are seeing ONLY joanewakeland posts. Click the or the to see all posts *
Introduction: Dr. Joan Wakeland has received many accolades for her
servant work. Some of her awards include but not limited to

2022 - Global Humanitarian Doctorate Degree - London 2022
LOANI London Survivors Award.
December 2021 - recognized as the � Citizen of the month
� by the City of Menifee.
September 2021 - awarded Ms Woman of Achievement
2015- Presidential Life Time Achievement Award - President

Interests (Key Words): Events, Speaking Inspirational, veggie recipes, vending